As Bicol region is still reeling from the destruction wrought by Typhoon Quinta in a span of one week Super Typhoon Rolly battered 4 provinces and affected 2 other provinces of Bicol and left over P1.23 billion damages as of this writing.

Severely damaged by the catastrophic winds which ranged from 250 to 315 km/hr. and flooding were the island province of Catanduanes, Albay, Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte. Over 13,722 hectares of rice areas were damaged valued at more than PhP 867,366. This damage is equivalent to 0.05 of the annual production.

For corn ,more than 512 hectares in Camarines Sur, Camarines Norte and Albay valued at more than PhP 16.2 million. The production damage constitutes 0.37% and 1.44% to the annual production for white and yellow corn respectively which has no significant impact to the corn industry.

Meanwhile, about 3, 134 hectares planted to high value crops valued at almost PhP 339 million were reported damaged in Albay, Camarines Norte, Camarines Sur and Catanduanes.

Damage on livestock in Albay,Camarines Sur and Camarines Norte is initially placed at PHp 269, 520.

While Typhoon Quinta has caused negligible damage on the Agri-infrastructure ST Rolly has of this writing damaged many structures and facilities of the DA Regional Office and Research Outreach Stations (ROSes)initially estimated at PhP 10.7 million.

According to DA Bicol Regional Executive Director Rodel P. Tornilla immediate assistance by the agency in the form of farm inputs like seeds and fertilizers will be rolled out within this week to facilitate recovery in the affected areas.

Tornila has likewise instructed the AgribusIness and Marketing Assistance Division to closely montor any unwarranted spike in the prices of agricultural commodities. With the declaration of a state of calamity in the provinces of Albay, Camarines Sur and Catanduanes the DA Regional Executive Director may declare a price freeze if prices of agricultural commodities are increasing unreasonably high.

Prior to the landfall of ST Rolly, DA Bicol has activated its command center providing real time updates on the track of the typhoon and rainfall volume. Immediately after the typhoon It has also mobilized its Research and Outreach Stations in every province to conduct Post-Disaster Needs Assessment. (EMILY B. BORDADO-/DA-RAFIS 5)