1. Formulation and implementation of policies, guidelines on personnel placement, appraisal and employee services;  employee relations management and staff development;  service reproduction, utility and messengerial requirements of all agency groups and offices;  provision with basic equipment,  supplies and materials,  including logical support of all major operating units;  implement guidelines with respect to procurement services.

2.Responsible for the provision of services relating to personnel records,  delivery and receipt of correspondence, supplies,  equipment,  collections,  disbursements,  security and custodial work of the department.

3. Provides efficient, effective and economical services relating to records management, supplies,  equipment,  collections,  disbursements,  building administration and maintenance and custodial work.

4. Advise on all matters relating to internal administrative and human resource management



1.Advises management on personnel policy and administration.
2.Develops and administers a personnel program which shall include selection and placement,  classification and pay,  career and employment development,  performance rating,  employee relations and welfare services.
3.Acts on all matters concerning attendance,  leaves of absence,  appointments,  promotions,  transfer and other personnel transactions.
4.Conducts Training Programs in the region.
5.Maintains personnel records and statistics.
6.Prepare and implement an integrated personnel plan that shall include provisions on merit promotion, performance evaluation,  job rotation and program for awards and incentives for service excellence.
7.Provides Program related to human resources training,  education,  and development including manpower and career planning and forecasting,  and development of indigenous training materials.
8.Performs such other functions as maybe provided by law.



  1. Develops, establish and maintain an efficient and cost effective property procurement system and other public goods and services.
2.Provides policy guidance on the maintenance and disposition of records and on the procurement and storage of supplies in accordance with government prescribed standards.
3.Engage in general canvassing and purchasing of supplies, materials and equipment and other public goods and services.
4.Procures, stores and distributes the supplies and equipment, and conducts periodic inventories of the same.
5.Receives, collects, and deposits cash, prepares payroll and processes vouchers for payment of obligations.
6.Develop, establish and maintain an efficient records system.
7.Provides mail, transportation, custodial and general utility services for the agency.
8.Provides and coordinates messengerial, duplicating,  and typing pool services.
9.Files and maintains necessary records and establishes a records disposition program for the agency.
10.Service reproduction,  utility and messengerial requirements of all offices in the agency.
11.Serve and maintain agency facilities and develop and establishes and maintain an efficient and effective security system covering among others personnel,  physical installation,  equipment,  documents and materials,  including the conduct of security investigations.
12.Provide the major operating units with basic equipments,  supplies and materials including logistical support.


 1. Develops and improves budgetary methods, procedures , and justifications.
2. Provides, subject to budgetary ceilings, fund estimates in support of the department’s operations, plans and programs.
3. Assists management in presentation of the budgetary estimates before administrative and legislative bodies.
4. Provides technical assistance to subordinate budget units in the application and utilization of budgetary methods and the budget
5. Prepares annual financial work plans.
6. Allocates in coordination with Planning Division available funds to programs on the basis of approved guidelines and priorities.
7. Issues allotment advice in support of the fund requirement for the conduct of operations under each program.
8. Reviews performance reports to determine conformance with set standards.
9. Prepares financial reports for management guidance and as required by higher authorities;  and
10. Performs such other functions as maybe provided by law.


 1.Advises management on financial matters.
2.Prepares and submits financial reports to management and other government department and agencies authorized to receive reports.
3.Maintains basic and subsidiary accounting records and books of accounts to reflect accurate and current financial information required by existing auditing rules and regulations and by management.
4.Certifies to the availability of funds and obligated funds.
5.Processes requisitions,  vouchers and reports of collections and disbursements.
6.Prepares billings to debtors of the National Government.
7.Performs such other functions as maybe provided by law.


  1. Participate in the formulation of Strategic Agricultural and Fisheries Development Plan;
  1. Collaborate with the local government units (LGUs), and other concerned government and private institutions for enterprise development and strengthening of MSMEs;
  1. Strengthen the sustainability of Regional Commodity Boards and Regional Marketing Umbrella (RMU);
  1. Promote agribusiness investment through the conduct of investment matching/dialogue/fora;
  1. Promote agricultural/agribusiness products in the local and international markets and conduct market matching;
  1. Promote appropriate product standards and quality management; Facilitate linkages of farmer’s organizations at the regional and provincial levels and promote reduced post-harvest losses and enhance value-adding activities;
  1. Package agribusiness and marketing information and evaluate agribusiness project proposals;
  1. Participate in the formulation of the Department’s medium and long term plans for global competitiveness and sustainability of agri-based industry;
  1. Represent the Department of Agriculture (DA) in the agribusiness investment negotiations (i.e. contract growing scheme, joint ventures, small-holders estates, etc.); and
  1. Organize/participate in the inbound and outbound investment missions and domestic and international investment/trade fairs.
  1. Establishment & improvement of alternative retail markets and trading posts.


Market Promotion Section

 1. Organize, facilitate market promotion of agricultural products.
2. Organize & coordinate farmers/coop and LGU’s participation in trade fairs missions  to promote their agricultural products.
3. Conduct market fora.
4. Conduct Market matching through e-commence and market encounter.

Market Development Section

1.Conduct market reconnaissance/market assessment.
2.Develop alternative retail market & trading posts for agricultural commodities.
3.Prepare and distribute market bulletins/situationers/price trends.
4.Establish/maintain data base of tradeable commodities and update inventory of  suppliers/buyers.
5. Undertake market intelligence.

Agribusiness Investment Promotion Section

  1. Generation, packaging and promotion of investment portfolios
  2. Preparation of investment promo collaterals
  3. Networking with GOs, NGOs, & LGUs
  4. Preparation of Commodity Profiles
  5. Maintenance of Database
  6. Conduct of investment clinics & fora

Enterprise Development Section

  1. Entrepreneurial capability building
  2. Preparation of enterprise budget and business plan
  3. Investment Matching
  4. Facilitate the establishment of agri-based enterprise
  5. Credit/financing Facilitation
  6. Industry/Commodity Board capacitation