SAN AGUSTIN, PILI, CAMARINES SUR – The Department of Agriculture in Bicol is gearing for the roll out of biofertilizer following the successful conduct of Foliar Fertilizer and Biofertilizer Technology Demonstration Derby and Field Day inside the DA Compound on July 5, 2024.

The participants invited to the biofertilizer field day were Municipal Agriculturists and LGU Technician as well as Local Farmer Technicians from the mainland provinces. Also present were representatives from FPA, NIA and PhilRice.

Earl Vincent Vegas, Rice Program focal person and OIC Chief of the Field Operations Division said that the techno demo aimed to showcase the potential of biofertilizers as alternative to synthetic fertilizers.

“Among the factors that could help increase agricultural productivity is the capacity of the soil to provide nutrients that area essential for plants growth. However, continuous cropping can deplete the soil’s nutrients leading to reduction in crop yield. The use of biofertilizers is seen to address soil degradation,” Vegas added.

It could also enhance soil fertility, as biofertilizers are “substances containing variety of microbes having the capacity to enhance plant nutrient uptake by colonizing the rhizosphere and make the nutrients easily accessible to plants root hairs.” Biofertilizers are also known for its cost effectiveness and can therefore be a better alternative to synthetic fertilizers.

“These biofertilizers are already available in the market, and it is necessary to assess their efficacy through this technology demonstration,” said Dr. Mary Grace DP. Rodriguez, OIC Regional Technical Director for Operations in her welcome message.

Among the Biofertilizer products used in the techno demo and displayed in the exhibit booths during the plenary sessions were: Avatar Bio Inoculant fertilizer by Aldiz, Inc.; Adaboost by Ada Manufacturing Corp.; Bio N by Agri Specialist Inc.; Vital N by Allied Botanical Corp.; Nitroprotek Synergy by Scuderia Marketing; BioSpark Trichoderma by Gemini Agri Farm Solutions Corporation; and EMAS by Global Green Organic Fertilizer, Inc.

To determine the yield and growth performance of rice using different biofertilizer and foliar fertilizer that are available in the market, the Rice Program used two treatments in the techno demo: Treatment 1 – 50% dose of recommended fertilizer based on Rice Crop Manager + biofertilizer and Treatment 2 Biofertilizer only. The area for treatment was approximately 343 square meters. The rice variety used was S6003 planted on March 22, 2024.

Seven biofertilizer products and 15 foliar fertilizer products were used in the techno demo.

As early as 6:00 AM the participants toured the 2.4 hectare techno demo area to select the top 3 performing biofertilizer and foliar products under the two treatments.

Meanwhile, Alex Atian, technical staff of Rice Program discussed the Hybrid Rice Cluster Farms requirements. He said that a Farmers Cooperative and Association (FCA) that is registered with CDA, DOLE or SEC for at least one year and whose members are registered in the RSBSA may avail of the interventions such as hybrid rice seeds and biofertilizers, fertilizer discount vouchers and other interventions from Rice Program. The hybrid rice seed companies are also involved in the monitoring and provision of package of technology of their products and specially for aftersales services to maximize the potential yield of their respective varieties. He added that hybrid rice cluster should be a minimum of 100 hectares which are in close proximity and whose farmers perform similar production activities. These FCA clusters may be involved in four different levels: Level 1) production and processing of fresh palay; Level 2) trading of milled rice; Level 3) Value adding, dry palay and milled rice trading; and Level 4) seed production or the FCA will act as service provider working across the value chain.

For CY 2024, the DA Bicol Rice Program targets to distribute biofertilizer to cover 66,154 hectares of rice areas particularly in clustered areas in the whole region. (Lovella P. Guarin – RAFIS 5)