1. Supply and Delivery of 42,367 bags of Certified Palay Seeds for Bufferstock under Rice Program (Emergency Procurement)
  2. Supply and Delivery of 9,800 bags of Hybrid Rice Seeds (15kg/bag) for Distribution to the Intended Farmer Recipients under Rice Program (Emergency Procurement)


January 15, 2019


Pursuant to the pre-bidding conference held today, the committee agreed on the following:

  1. Supply and Delivery of 42,367 bags of Certified Palay Seeds for Bufferstock under Rice Program (Emergency Procurement)
Particulars Clarifications/Additional Specifications
Certified Palay Seeds –       Partial Bid is allowed

–       Delivery Place: Regional Office or specific LGU’s

–       Delivery Period: 50% of the Certified Seeds should be delivered within 30 days, the remaining 50% will be on staggered delivery up to June 2019 only

–       Germination Test should be 85% instead of 90%

–       Payment should be on progressive billing

–       Packaging should be labeled “Not for Sale”

–       For the opening of bids, instead of 9:30 am it will be reset earlier at 8:30am on January 17, 2018, DA RFO-V Library, San Agustin, Pili, Camarines Sur


  1. Supply and Delivery of 9,800 bags of Hybrid Rice Seeds (15kg/bag) for Distribution to the Intended Farmer Recipients under Rice Program (Emergency Procurement)
Particulars Clarifications/Additional Specifications
Hybrid Seeds –       Partial Bid is allowed

–       Delivery Period: 30 calendar days

–       The 980 bags of NSIC Rc234H will be replaced with 1,960 bags of  NSIC Rc376H  

–       Total ABC for NSIC Rc376H will be Php9,800,000.00

–       Packaging should be labeled “Not for Sale”

–       For the opening of bids, instead of 9:30 am it will be reset earlier at 8:30am on January 17, 2018, DA RFO-V Library, San Agustin, Pili, Camarines Sur


The Secretariat is hereby directed to inform all prospective bidders for the concerned project and post a copy of the same in the designated Bid Bulletin Board and in the agency website.

Chief, Administrative and Finance Division
Chairman, Bids and Awards Committee