SAN AGUSTIN, PILI, CAMARINES SUR – Guided by the principles of One-DA Reform Agenda to transform agriculture, the DA RFO 5 thru Regional Executive Director Rodel P. Tornilla turned over P8 million Quick Response Fund check to the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resource (BFAR) through OIC Regional Director Nelson T. Bien on August 4, 2021 at the DA regional office.
Director Tornilla said that the said check is intended to ensure continuous and sustainable sources of food and income for the Bicolano fishers who were affected by the three strong typhoons that caused massive destruction in the region from October to November 2020, namely: typhoon Quinta, super typhoon Rolly and typhoon Ulysses.
In the comprehensive project proposal submitted by Director Nelson Bien of BFAR to the DA RFO 5, a total of 587 fishers regionwide will benefit from this P8M rehab funds through the provision of tilapia fingerlings, bangus fingerlings, grouper fingerlings, bangus fry, seaweed propagules, net gears, and marine engines. Also included are aquasilviculture and green mussel culture as well as procurement of materials for the repair of fishing boats.
Director Bien added that the rehab assistance also will open window of opportunities to the marginalized fisherfolks who are vulnerable to calamities.He explained that post disaster reconstruction shall not only be restoration to its pre-disaster condition but incorporating a higher level of resiliency standards as well as climate change and mitigation measures in all recovery interventions.
The turn over of check was witnessed by DA 5 Regional Technical Director for Operations Luz R. Marcelino and BFAR TRRP focal person Ruben M. Peyra, Jr.
BFAR is one of the 25 bureaus, attached agencies and corporations of the Department, all operating under One DA Reform Agenda to level up Philippine Agriculture. (Lovella P. Guarin – DA RAFIS 5) (Photo by Vincent Emil Pasumbal)