LEGAZPI CITY, ALBAY – To assure the sustainability and sense of ownership of enterprise development (I-REAP) subprojects, the Philippine Rural Development Project (PRDP) assists its proponent groups in formulating their enterprise operations manual.

PRDP-Bicol, in partnership with the PRDP National Project Coordination Office (NPCO), conducted an enterprise operations manual formulation workshop for the Catanduanes Mangrove Crab Production and Marketing Enterprise and Masbate Integrated Goat Production and Marketing on July 4, 2018, this city. The activity was attended by the officers of Panganiban Fisherfolk Association, Queenscup Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries and Marginal Farmers Cooperative, Baleno Christian Masagana Multipurpose Cooperative, Sagip Farmers-Fisherfolk Development Cooperative and Bagong Sirang Multipurpose Cooperative.

NPCO Enterprise Development and Marketing Specialist Jocelyn Tionloc and Business Development Officer Kevin Lompero facilitated the activity. Joining them were PRDP-Bicol Business Development Officers Glenn Balana and Victoria Eugene Florece and Project Development Associates John Rovir Labatorio and Angelica Peñano.

Tionloc and Lompero underscored the importance of having an Operations Manual for the enterprise particularly in communicating policy and procedures to achieve maximum results. They also discussed how to incorporate the five aspects of business namely organizational development, operational, marketing, financial, and sustainability in the Operations Manual.

The Operations Manual is an authoritative guidebook of how things are done in an enterprise. It is designed to create a standard for the business, ensure better trained employees, scale up the enterprise and make the business most valuable.

The P6.78 million-worth Catanduanes Mangrove Crab Production and Marketing Enterprise and Masbate Integrated Goat Production and Marketing which amounts to P14.69 million are two of the five I-REAP subprojects in Bicol undergoing procurement. (Annielyn L. Baleza, DA-RAFIS V)